Peter Heckert, Associate Pastor
Welcome to worship at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church! As God gathers us together, we are invited to lean into His steadfast love, His mercy, and His promise of enduring faithfulness. The full expression of God’s love for you is the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for your sins. When God sees you, He sees the victory over sin and death that His Son won for you. It is because of Jesus’ victory over sin and death that we can boldly say to you:
4:30PM Blended Worship
9:00AM Contemporary Worship
10:30AM Traditional Worship
Communion is served on the first and third weekends of each month at all services.
Thursdays (Sep-May): 9:30AM Bible Study
Sunday: 9:00AM Contemporary Worship / 10:30AM Traditional Worship
You Were Made to Know Him
Our Redeemer is a church that willingly participates in The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
Along with Lutheran churches throughout the world, we believe the following:
Absolute truth
We believe that the only absolute truth is written in God’s Word, the Bible.
One God, Three Persons
The Savior of the world
Faith is a gift
We believe that a person is given faith as a gift. Born with sin, we are unable to accept God’s favor. Only He can give it. This gift is given through Baptism and strengthened through the forgiveness of sins, especially the Lord’s Supper.
The Lord’s Supper
We believe Christ was clear when He gave the Lord’s Supper to His church saying, “Take eat, this is My Body; take drink, this is My Blood poured out for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-23; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34) Those who trust Christ at His Word, have examined themselves, desire the forgiveness that comes through the Lord’s Supper, are committed to the Christian faith and participate in this fellowship are welcome to receive the Lord’s Supper. We ask that people respect our beliefs about the Lord’s Supper and request that those who do not share our beliefs about this meal approach a pastor or elder with any questions before receiving the Lord’s Supper.
Five Core Values
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church believes the Bible is God-breathed and we hold fast to the teaching of Jesus Christ as our only way to salvation. We believe scripture is inerrant and infallible. As a confessional Lutheran Church, loving the Word and believing in Christ-centered worship, we believe in Grace alone, Faith alone, and Scripture alone. 2 Timothy 3:16, John 3:16, Romans 5-8.
Jesus inspires the love we share with each other. As His followers, we care for the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of those in the body of believers. Our family grows as we learn more about Christ and celebrate Him in worship together. People who experience connection to Christ within our community desire to live for Jesus, inspiring others to live for Him in their daily lives.
The Holy Spirit strengthens the faith of those living in Christian community together. Understanding what Jesus taught in the Bible changes how people live. He taught us how to pray, how to understand God’s word, and the importance of forgiveness. It is Christ’s love that motivates us to share life in ways that people who don’t know Jesus are inspired to learn more about Him.
The message of the cross is always relevant. Followers of Jesus embrace the uniqueness of others and curiously seek and appreciate how God uses diverse cultures and environments to design every person. The humility of authentic discipleship invites us to connect with people by meeting them where they are. A faith community is enriched when people of all ages and backgrounds come together to celebrate Christ.
Following Jesus transforms the way people give and how they view what they have been given. Jesus, who does not need anything from us, invites us to participate in the building up of other people in faith. Humility results in joyful generosity, inspiring how we share life together, wisely putting our skills to use, and financially supporting what Jesus is accomplishing in our community.
Our prayer team is keeping people in prayer daily. If you have a prayer request to share, email it to prayers@orlctosa.org. If you want Pastor Steinke to include that prayer in public devotions and worship, please let us know by adding “Please Share” to the subject line.
Join us for daily, online devotions Monday – Friday at 9AM. On Wednesdays, we live stream our school chapel at 8:30AM.