Church & School Picnic
September 8th / 11:30am – 2:00pm
You’re invited to join us on Sunday, September 8, from 11:30–2PM on the front lawn. We look forward to kicking off the 24–25 church and school program year! All church and school families are welcome to attend this potluck event. OR’s school PAT (Parent Ambassador Team) will provide pulled pork sandwiches, BBQ chicken sandwiches, hot dogs, chips, & water. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Feel free to bring lawn chairs and a lawn game! Please RSVP for this event by Sunday, September 1, for planning purposes. We look forward to enjoying food, fellowship, and fun together!
Lutheran Confirmation Course for Adults
September 10 – October 29, 2024 / Tuesdays 6:00-7:30pm
This 8-week course invites adult learners into a relaxed, collegial setting where you will be introduced to the central teachings of Scripture as expressed by the Lutheran confession of faith. This discussion-based course has as its goal a closer walk with Christ and a confident understanding of faith.
Campus Cleanup
Saturdays | September 14th and/or 28th | 9:00am-Noon
We are sprucing up our campus in preparation for autumn and the many ways we celebrate the season. We appreciate your help – many hands make light work! Opportunities to serve inside and out are available.
Feel free to bring yard or cleaning supplies if you’d like!
2024 Youth Lock In
September 20, 2024
Join us for an evening of fellowship and fun led by a group of Youth Ministry students from Concordia University Wisconsin.
Our theme for the night is “Against the Tide,” based on Colossians 3:1-2, “If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” The event is open to students in grades 5 – 12. Cost is $10 per student.
2024 Women’s Day Retreat
Saturday – September 21st
As women, we can have an incredible impact on the world around us. Unfortunately, the enemy knows this and will do anything he can to stop us. Discover the two ways he works to keep us separated and isolated from each other. Because when we break the barriers among us . . . we become a mighty force for good in this lost and broken world. Guest speaker Collene Borchart will join us as we dig into Scripture and have time for fellowship and community.
Pumpkin Patch 2024
October 1st – November 1st
Our Redeemer will once again host our annual Pumpkin Patch on the front lawn. The pumpkins will be delivered on Wednesday, October 1, and the patch will be open daily beginning on Wednesday, October 1 and running thru Thursday, October 31. We are looking for many volunteers for a variety of tasks, including moving and placing pallets on the front lawn prior to the pumpkin delivery; unloading pumpkins on delivery day; staffing the patch; and tearing down the patch on November 1.
Fall Fest 2024 Vendor Registration
Saturday – October 12, 2024 | 11am-3pm
Attractions include a pumpkin patch, Trunk-Or-Treat and other children’s activities, food trucks and a makers market. Vendor set up time is 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. No electrical provided. Maximum of two 8-ft tables and two chairs provided
Pre-Confirmation Instruction
Sundays| 10:30AM
Join us for Bible study as we read through and discuss the Old and New Testaments. This study is open to students entering 5th and 6th grade is a perfect way to prepare them for Confirmation instruction in 7th and 8th grade. Using The Bible Project video series, students will become more familiar with Scripture, beyond just Bible stories, and will better understand God’s story and how/where they fit into it.
Confirmation Class 2024-25
Sundays| 10:30AM
Confirmation is a faith formation program for all 7th and 8th grade youth. It prepares students to confidently live their faith out loud. With the support of the congregation, their parents, and peers, each youth will experience life in the Body of Believers.
The class meets on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. in the Cafeteria. Students are required to bring a Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism to class each week. For students who need a copy of the Catechism, the $25 cost can be paid at registration.
Baptism Class
As Arranged
Baptism is a gift of God in which he gives us saving faith. He connects the baptized to the benefits of Jesus perfect life, sacrificial death on the cross and victorious resurrection. This Baptism class is for anyone looking to have his or her child baptized at Our Redeemer. The class introduces what we believe and confess about the gift of baptism for children and families.
D.I.G. Sunday School!
Sundays| 9:00AM
Parents have the first and primary responsibility to train and nurture their children in the matters of faith and morality. Our children’s ministry strives to support parents in this endeavor by making disciples of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). Our desire is for children age 3 through grade 5 to know God, serve Him and share their faith with others. D.I.G. meets on Sunday mornings during 9:00 a.m. worship. Students begin in worship with their family, are dismissed to D.I.G. following the Scripture readings, and return to their family just before the end of the service.
Tuesdays / September – May
The MomCo is a group of moms who gather to encourage and support one another through all the moments of motherhood. Being a mom is hard, but you don’t have to do it alone! We gather to provide fellowship, support, and encouragement for one another. Join us on Tuesday mornings, September through May, to meet other moms and make new friendships as we walk through life together.
Saturdays 9:30-11:30AM – Chapel
Ministering to those mourning the loss of a loved one, meetings focus on stand-alone topics, inviting you to join at any time. GriefShare also offers one-session workshops throughout the year, including Loss of a Spouse and Surviving the Holidays. Visit to register for an upcoming class or workshop.