So in Christ we, though many, form one body,
Romans 12:5
We were made for community!
Our Redeemer Lutheran celebrates a pattern of presence, requiring action by the whole person and the whole congregation as we work to embody our five values in ways that bring real Life to the community as well as in our own lives. Scriptural purity, caring relationships, active discipleship, cultural relevance, and faithful stewardship bring meaning to the lives of others and ourselves in Christ.

Joining a church can feel overwhelming! Our New Member classes are a relaxed opportunity for introduction to life at ORLC. Led by Senior Pastor Andrew Steinke, small groups gather quarterly to better understand what we believe, who we are, and how to connect, along with meeting others who are exploring OR.

Baptism is a gift of God in which He gives us saving faith. Baptismal instruction is for anyone seeking to be baptized at Our Redeemer. During this class, we delve into what we believe and confess regarding the gift of baptism, as well as an understanding of how to teach and model faith in the home and workplace.

Adults interested in membership at Our Redeemer, and who have not been confirmed in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, are invited to participate in our Adult Information class. The study of Luther’s Small Catechism is central to the discussion of what we believe. This course culminates with Confirmation celebration during worship.

Connection is an important part of Christian faith and a community of believers is stronger than individuals. We were made for relationships and Our Redeemer offers many opportunities to celebrate life in Christ. From front lawn celebrations to social groups connecting through shared interests, the family of OR is ready to assure you that you are not alone.

“For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” – Romans 15:4
Our Redeemer offers a variety of large and small group Bible studies that focus on different audiences sharing similar interests.

Turn your potential and vision into action while experiencing spiritual and personal growth in your life. Specifically tailored to your life situation, these one-on-one relationships grow with time, encouraging your spiritual and personal growth in life as your potential and vision is turned into reality.

Our Redeemer’s life stage groups are specifically designed to surround others sharing similar interests and challenges as we journey through life. From birth to senior life, those within specific stages of life have a place here. Our ministry offers age-appropriate and meaningful opportunities to connect with others in spiritual growth, Biblical understanding, and shared life experience.
Our Redeemer embraces the opportunity to serve outside its walls, practicing our Christian values and sharing our faith with organizations in need of assistance within the Greater Milwaukee area. The opportunity to live our mission, vision, and values in a community in desperate need of Christ is a privilege welcomed by many OR stakeholders.
The community of Our Redeemer embraces opportunities to volunteer. Through coordinated effort, specialized groups assist on multiple occasions to serve Christ by serving others. Within the walls of OR, our ministries thrive as our stakeholders invest time, talent, and treasure in daily, weekly, monthly, special events to spread the Good News of the Gospel.